Sherbet dips
In this post, I'll talk about the different sherbert dips there were in the 1990s. I don't know why. Don't ask me because I don't know.
Dip Dabs

A Dip Dab is basically a small red lollipop and some sherbet. Here is a picture.

By the way, DO NOT spill the sherbet on the floor like that. That is not the correct way to eat a Dip Dab.
Also, at NO point must you try to snort the powder up your nose as if it's cocaine. A friend of mine did that once and the sherbet acted as a gateway drug to real cocaine, then heroin, and then back to sherbert again, and then finally he died from a sherbert overdose. Not a true story.
Here's a thought. If you replace the sherbet in a Dip Dab with shit then do you get a Dip Shit? Something to think about.
Double Dip

Why settle for one flavour of sherbet when you can have two? That's the entire premise behind the double dip. Instead of pissing away the money on mono-sherbetic sweets like the Dip Dab, it makes much more financial sense to get a Double Dip instead.
I've given the Double Dip its own post just because I can. Read the post at
Love Hearts dip

The Love Hearts dip, made by the same company that made the Double Dip, had three different flavours of sherbet.
Some say that Swizzels made a mistake with this dip. Some claim that the world wasn't ready yet for three kinds of sherbert. And I'll be honest, those people are me. Three flavours of sherbert – orange sparkle, tangy raspberry, and zingy lemon – was too much choice for our brains to comprehend. There were reports of children standing frozen in the street for hours on end because their brains couldn't decide what flavour of sherbert to eat next.

Also, some of the phrases on the Love Hearts are a bit shit. I’M SHY. Is that supposed to impress a potential mate? I was shy as a teenager but I never had a girlfriend.
Sherbet fountain

The Sherbet Fountain is basically sherbet and a liquorice stick. You dip the liquorice stick in the sherbet and lick the sherbet off.
The packaging reminded me of a firework. I thought you were supposed to light the liquorice stick, as if it were a fuse, and then run away quick. I imagined that a few seconds later the fountain would fly into the sky with a frightening WHEEEEEEEEEE, like a banshee, and then there would be a BANG loud enough to make all the dogs in the street start barking.
I was a bit scared of Sherbet Fountains for that reason. I suspected they had the potential to blow my hand off.
The Sherbet Fountain was the fountain of our youth. Legends say that there exists an actual real fountain of sherbet somewhere. According to the legends, it produces an everlasting source of sherbet. In fact, it's where all the sherbet in the world comes from.
The search for the sherbet fountain began in the 15th century when Spanish explorers discovered the new world and began to hear rumours from the natives of a fountain that produces a sweet white powder instead of water.
Mendez, a 15th century Explorer, came close to finding it. He found a village where all the villagers were missing teeth. The few remaining teeth they had were abcessed and black from decay. It transpired that the only thing these villagers ate was sherbet. Mendez shortly died thereafter, however. Perhaps the villagers never wanted him to find their fountain.
Fun Dip

I feel I have to mention the Fun Dip even though I don't know what it is. I think it's an American thing. If you are American and reading this then I apologise for having nothing to say about the Fun Dip. This isn’t a very fun way to end this blog post, but then again, I do have a milluple dip, so I don’t care.
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