Software bundled with Packard Bell computers in 90s UK
In 1997, my dad bought a Packard Bell computer:

Packard Bell threw in around twenty CDs to sweeten the deal. The CDs came in a yellow and white cardboard box:

The CDs were an eclectic mix of games (yay!), and encyclopaedias and demos (boooooo!).
I found a full list of the CDs at
- Batman Cartoon Maker
- Civilization 2 Demo
- CorelDRAW 4
- Corel WordPerfect Suite 7
- Ecco the Dolphin
- ELLE 2000 Recipes
- Encarta
- Language Learning with Asterix
- Magix The Mutlimedia Pool
- Michaelangelo Demo
- Microsoft Oceans
- My First Encyclopedia
- Orsay Demo
- Sid Meier's CivNet
- Student Reference Library
- TelePower Pro
- The Louvre
- Thinkin Things 2
- Trudy's Time and Place House
Batman Cartoon Maker
Batman Cartoon Maker was, as the name suggests, Batman-themed animation software.

The best thing about this game was that you could make Batman do backflips (or should that be BATflips?) all over the screen. You could also arrange a queue of a dozen Batmen in front of a firetruck, as someone has chosen to do here:

But making movies was too difficult for me. I could never figure out how to make a movie as good as the demo one. You had to be as clever as the Riddler, I reckon.
Ecco the Dolphin
I like Ecco the Dolphin. It's like no video game I've ever played. But I couldn't get past second level, probably because I was only eight at the time. I got lost and couldn't figure out what to do. I was also deeply afraid of Ecco running out of air.

Pro tip: By pressing Alt + F4, you unlock the 'hot dolphin' mod where you can have sex with other dolphins.
Language Learning with Asterix
Bonjour Asterisk! Bonjour Obelisk! I was a big fan of the Asterisk comics, but did I want that petit blonde cunt and his fat ginger friend to teach me a language? The answer: 'non'.

Microsoft Oceans

Microsoft Oceans was basically a virtual encyclopedia about ocean life. I remember being frightened by a big whale. Here it is:

What scared me was how big the whale is compared to the person - the person is a tiny white blob in comparison. Imagine swimming in the ocean when this thing comes out of the depths. Chilling.
Sid Meier's CivNet

CivNet was fun. I played this a lot. But Gandhi and Queen Victoria kept getting angry at me. I swear, all the CPUs had personality disorders. Behind their smiling facades, they were all evil monsters. I mean just look at this screenshot of Gandhi declaring war:

Encarta 95
I only used Encarta for Mindmaze. Mindmaze tried to teach me stuff, but I didn't mind because it was a game.

Other shitty games
- My First Encyclopedia
- Thinkin' Things 2
- Orsay Demo, which was a virtual tour of Le Musée D'Orsay in Paris. Booooooooring.
- The Louvre, which was a virtual tour of the Louvre, as the name suggests. I think I put this in my CD ROM drive for less than one second before playing Batman Cartoon Maker instead. Why did these assholes keep trying to educate me?
- CorelDRAW 4, which I tried once but gave up because it was too complicated.
- ELLE 2000 Recipes, which was also boring. BORING. Kids don't cook. That's mom's job.
2018-02-25 Steve
Holy nostalgia. That's the same first PC we had, and I played every one of these demos you've talked about. I forgot about the dots one. I'm having foggy memories of this sort of weird out there music that played along with it. Don't forget Packard Bell Navigator too. That's almost exclusively how I used that computer at first. Thanks for that trip down memory lane.
2018-02-28 Paul Chris Jones
Packard Bell Navigator! That was one of my favourite things from my childhood. The house in Packard Bell Navigator was very different to my family's council house in real life. The Navigator house was massive for one thing, and it had a library, huge windows, and these cool stairs that didn't have a guardrail, so you could fall off them if you weren't careful. That always seemed cool to me. But one day, my dad discovered Windows and he made us start using that instead. So that was the end of Packard Bell Navigator for me. My life goal is to recreate that house in real life. At the least, I should write a blog post about it. Stay tuned!
2019-05-31 Jason
Mine was a 133 overclocked to 150 but never could get the sound drivers to work with just a windows install
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