The everlasting gobstopper from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
In the book
In the Roald Dahl book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, an Everlasting Gobstopper looks like a green marble:

Here is a picture of a green marble in case you don't know what one looks like:

In the 1971 film
But here is what an everlasting gobstopper looks like in the 1971 film adaptation:

What the hell is that? It looks like a bumble ball. That's not a gobstopper.
It doesn't look very appetizing either, which to be fair isn’t surprising considering it's a film prop. I won't be sticking it in my mouth, that's for sure.
In the film, it looks so tiny too.

I wonder if that prop still exists today?
I found this photo
Here is a photo of the everlasting gobstopper being kept in a glass case as if it's cursed, like Annabelle from The Conjuring series. .

Hang on. In the bottom right corner is the History Channel logo:

Are you telling me that there exists a History Channel documentary about the fucking Everlasting Gobstopper from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
Don't tell me that now I have to watch a History Channel documentary. I am not watching it. Don't make me watch the History Channel.
The History Channel
Okay, so I'm watching the History Channel.
And it's... Pawn Stars? I don't know what's happened here. I'm more confused than ever. Pawn Stars doesn't seem like the kind of show that the History Channel would show, but here we are.
So I know nothing about Pawn Stars but it seems to be about this smug man called Dan who owns everything in the world and we watch him selling it to rich people at extravagant prices.

Dan keeps the Everlasting Gobstopper in a glass case as if it's actually worth something and not just a piece of misshapen plastic.

He also has one of the golden tickets from the film.

I wonder if the ticket is still valid? If you can still use it to get into any chocolate factory in the world and just take whatever you want? I might be wrong but I think that's how golden tickets work.
Oh, and Dan also only happens to have Willy Wonka's actual fucking hat from the actual film? Like, what? How does Dan have everything?

And this random bald twat PUTS THE HAT ON HIS GRUBBY BALD HEAD.

So two questions.
- Where did Dan get this stuff from?
- Does Dan have Gene Wilder's frozen head as well?
The bald guy, whoever he is, wants to buy the Everlasting Gobstopper. He says it's like "the Hope Diamond" and "the Holy Grail". He must have had a bump on the head. I don't think he's understands that it's not real, that it's just a prop. It's not really everlasting. He probably thinks it's going to give him eternal youth or something. Or maybe make his hair grow back.
The bald guy ends up buying the Everlasting Gobstopper for $100,000!
I wouldn't stick that thing in my mouth but I would put it in my pocket, considering the prop is worth a tenth of a million dollars.
He got ripped off I reckon. I hope he at least got a bag to put it in for that price. If I was going to buy that for $100,000, I would expect Gene Wilder himself to present it to me while doing backflips down a red carpet. Never mind that Gene Wilder is dead, I would still want him to do it. For $100,000, they could find a way. They could reanimate his corpse or something.
Explaining why he bought it for such a high price, he says, “It’s crazy pricey but putting it in my shop will bring people to my shop.” Because people will come to make fun of it?

So now the Everlasting Gobstopper has changed hands? Like the Elder Wand changing owners in the Harry Potter books?
Where is the Everlasting Gobstopper today?
I don't know if that the bald guy still has the Everlasting Gobstopper today or if he sold it to someone else.
Or probably he suffered an untimely death due to the curse of the Everlasting Gobstopper. Because there's always a curse with these things.
Part of the problem
2024-02-01 Tom
You’re a doosh
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