You've Been Framed
Sunday evenings were always the same in my house. First, my mom would run a bath, and my brother, sister and I would all cram into it. We'd pour plenty of Matey bubble bath under the running tap to make loads of bubbles appear. I always played with Diver Dan, which was this little plastic man wearing a pair of blue swimming trunks.
Then, we'd get out the bath, put on towels and go to the living room to watch Watch You’ve Been Framed. Not the modern version with Harry Hill, but the original, with Jeremy Beadle. At this point, my dad would be cooking pancakes, one of the few things he actually knew how to cook. We'd eat them with sugar and lemon juice.
That was the routine. Bath, then You’ve Been Framed and pancakes. It was a comforting routine.

That was over two decades ago. I no longer watch You’ve Been Framed or take a bath with my brother and sister (probably for the best). My dad doesn't make pancakes anymore and my mom has died.
But I still get a feeling sometimes, when it's evening and starts to get dark, that You’ve Been Framed should be on. For a moment, I'll think, "Jeremy Beadle's on TV in half an hour, so I should go take a bath." Then a moment later, it's gone.
It's the feeling I imagine old people get when they're dying, and they start to have vivid hallucinations of friends from their childhood and family members who died years ago.
When my grandad was dying, he lay in a bed at my aunt's house hallucinating that he was back in Poland during World War II. He kept saying the names of friends who he hadn't seen for sixty-odd years. That’s what I’m like now with You’ve Been Framed.
My mom always said that somewhere on our home video collection was a clip that she wanted to send into You’ve Been Framed. Back in those days, you could send your clips in on VHS tape and the show would pay you £50 if they used it. I think the amount increased to £200 at some point, which seemed like an obscene amount of money.
She never did send the clip in, though. In hindsight, it was probably for the best. If you send in your home video there's no guarantee you'll get it back. Also, my mom's clip wasn't that funny. The clip is of my mom in a tourist shop. She leans into a glass display cabinet to take a closer look and she hits her nose on the glass. Recently I found the clip and watched it, and it's not funny. I doubt that Jeremy Beadle would have been interested in it, to be honest.
The clips typical of You’ve Been Framed were:
- A bride and groom falling over during their wedding dance
- Someone at a wedding falling headfirst into a wedding cake
- A stage collapsing, causing several people to fall off it
- A man on a BMX bike cycling headfirst into a stream
- A decorator falling off a ladder
- A child going down a slide too fast and then landing in the garden pond
I swear I saw variations of these same clips over and over again. I always suspected that many of the clips were fake, that the woman who fell in the wedding cake did it on purpose just to get £50 from the show, and that the man who fell off his ladder did it on purpose too.
Whether any of this matters, I don't know. All I know for certain is that when I'm on my deathbed, I'm going to be hallucinating about You’ve Been Framed.
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