Jacobs Iced Gems are actually drugs
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One of my favourite adverts is from 1993. It's for Jacob's Iced Gems.
It all starts innocently enough. There’s a boy and a girl sitting in a kitchen.

But then the kids POP DRUGS INTO THEIR MOUTHS. No, I'm not kidding. It really is drugs. Or at least, I’m 99% certain. Just look at their eyes in the gif below. Their eyes widen to about twice the size.

So these two kids fly off on a psychedelic drug trip. It's like, weird, man. There's, like, a polar bear?
Instead of mauling them to death, this bear explains that he’s fucked up and lost the 'white iced gems'.

I wonder if 'white iced gems' is a euphemism for cocaine? I reckon it is. And the kids must like cocaine because they agree to help the bear.

The kids explore a forest, a castle, and a fair. There are gems everywhere, but it’s a pain in the arse because none are white.

I'm beginning to think this advert is a bit racist. Where are the black iced gems? No-one cares that the black iced gems are missing too. I haven’t seen a single black iced gem so far. No, all everyone cares about are the white iced gems. The black iced gems are probably out collecting cotton in a field.
Just when the bear is about to kill himself out of desperation and take the two kids with him, the boy looks up and finds the white iced gems.

The iced gems are high in the sky. Another thing that’s high is the kids.

Presumably, the two kids then wake up from their hallucination to find themselves lying on the kitchen floor, covered in their own sweat, shit, piss and vomit. I cannot confirm is this is what happens however because this is where the advert ends.
Seriously though, I love this advert. I love the dreamlike mood. I love the idea of being transported to another world, where everything is warm and fun, where sweets grow on trees and you can go on funfair rides as much as you want. I even like the sound effects and the animation style. So thank you, Jacob's. Just lay off the drugs for a while though, eh?
Jacobs Iced Gems are available to buy at Amazon.
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