The Funfair of Evil
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One of my favourite books as a child was called The Funfair of Evil. It was a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and it had full-page illustrations of a creepy funfair.
I don't own a copy but I did find the back of the book online:

Your sidekick was a monkey wearing a waistcoat. I don't know why he needs a waistcoat. It's not like he has any other clothes.
Things you found in the funfair included an evil carousel with live animals and a mirror maze. There was other shit but I don't remember.
Fun fact: The titled was changed to "The Fairground of Dread" in later editions. Okay, so that fact wasn't actually that fun.

Other books in the series were The Castle of Fear, The Island of Horror, The Sea of Menace, The Planet of Terror, The Pirates of Doom and The Jungle of Peril. I don't own any of them but if I did then you can bet I would be reading them right now.
The Fairground of Dread is available to buy at Amazon.
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