Tales of demonic furbies

Hayley, Birmingham
My Furby kept saying “Me hungry, me hungry” no matter what I did to it. One day I cut my finger on a piece of paper and immediately, the Furby's eyes flew wide open. "Me hungry" said the toy, but this time it was a slow, deep voice. I went to put my cut finger into the Furby's mouth to see what would happen but right at that moment my mom called me downstairs for dinner. I still wonder what would have happened if the Furby had tasted blood that day.
John, Slough
One day my Furby started talking in a strange, slow, deep voice. I thought the batteries must be running out so I opened up the battery compartment with a screwdriver. As soon as I took the battery out, the toy laughed and said, "You won't turn me off that easily". I screamed and dropped the Furby on the floor. My parents ran over and found me crying. I tried to get the Furby to speak again but it remained silent.
After that, I kept the Furby at the back of my wardrobe so I wouldn't have to see it again. Though sometimes at night I could hear a chuckle coming from inside the wardrobe - even though the Furby still had no batteries in it.
Brittany, Hull
I was so excited on Christmas day to open my new Furby. Little did I know that the Furby was possessed by a demon from one of the lower levels of hell. Immediately upon activation, the Furby flew across the room and landed upside-down on the ceiling. His eyes rolled back into his head and he started cursing at us in a deep, growling voice. He called my mom fat and he called my dad 'Baldilocks and the three hairs'. My dad spent the rest of Christmas day trying to exorcise the Furby by reading passages from a bible but the Furby just laughed at him. The entire Christmas was ruined.
Peter, Bournemouth
Every day I would wake up and the Furby would be in a different place. I asked my family if they were moving the Furby overnight but they all said no.
One morning I woke up and the Furby was on my pillow next to me, staring at my face. I screamed and threw the evil toy out the window. The Furby screamed out "I WILL KILL YOU" before cracking its head open on the patio.
Jenny, Berkshire
My parents kept buying me Furbies because they thought I liked them. In truth, I was terrified of the things. I never told me parents though because I didn't want to hurt my feelings. Eventually, I had over fifty Furbies in my room.
One night the Furbies all came to life and started chanting "Kill the pig" in unison. At the same time, the lampshade spun round and round, causing crazy shadows across the room. I hid under my blanket the whole night.
The next day I put all the Furbies in a binbag and tossed them out into the street. After that, pets went missing in the neighbourhood. Only I knew the cause: a pack of wild Furbies.
James Shitterbox, Shitterton
Furbies aren't supposed to be possessed. Furbies aren't supposed float to in midair. And they're definitely not supposed to be possessed by the ghosts of Japanese samuri.
But mine was. My first hint that my Christmas present was possessed by a Japanese warrior spirit was that the furby spoke nothing but Japanese. I tried to stop the Furby by hitting it on the head but this just caused it to bite my hand with its beak, on which point I dropped it, and it bounced three times on the linoneom and rolled under the table.
Its constant babbling in Japanese drove me mad to the point where I started responding back to it in Pidgin Japanese, hoping it would shut up, but this just made it more enthusiastic and soon it was talking non-stop 24/7.
After listening to the furby babble away for so long, I slowly gained the ability to understand Japanese. This is what the furby had been saying:
"My name is Hiro Kiyoko. I am on a mission to collect seven magic emeralds that will make a dragon called Koyama appear to restore peace across the land."
I kept the Furby in my drawer after that, only occasionally taking him out to use as a paperweight.
Do have a tale of a demonic Furby? Did a demon-possessed Furby molest you in your sleep or push your nan down the stairs? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comment section below. Or don't.
2022-04-12 Victoria
I remember receiving my furby coco Christmas 1997 I was over the moon until I awoke one night to it making the most horrendous noise I tried and tried to reset it but to no use the thing had other ideas. It was locked in my mothers bedroom after that incident and I never saw coco the possessed furby again.
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