1991 Butlins summer brochure
You can find all kinds of things online. Just now I found the Butlins summer brochure from 1991. Given that I can't go to work due to the quarantine, and also given that I don't have a job anyway, I thought I would read it.
First I found a list of activities you could do at Butlins in 1991:

All the activities sound fun but jogging? You can do jogging just about anywhere, so I don't see why that's on the list.
Also, I can play darts and snooker in my local pub, so I’m not going all the way to Butlins just for that.
Butlins isn't just for working class families. Here are four child-free toffs tucking into some caviar, while they laugh about how poor the poor people are and their waiter asks if they want any more caviar.

Here's what a Butlins chalet looked like in the early 1990s. The chalets probably still look like that today. Same paint and telly and everything.

I'm amazed at how tiny the telly is. You wouldn't be able to see anything on that. It would be rubbish for watching porn.
The shit telly is blown away though by this AMAZING WATERPARK. Look at it. LOOK AT IT.

I don't know which Butlins that was but I don't remember the waterpark at the Butlins I went to being so amazing. It has a tropical island with palm trees and everything.
Check out this couple fine dining at Butlins. Just off-screen there's probably a group of kids screaming.

And check out this guy pointing. If his waistband were any higher you'd be able to see his testicles. And if his shorts weren't so long.

I'm a bit unsettled by the words "YOU WON'T WANT TO LEAVE". It sounds a bit threatening. Like you'll be trapped in Butlins for all eternity.
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